Monday, August 17, 2009

Design project 1 - assesible

explore the principles of BALANCE, SCALE, FOCAL POINT, and RHYTHM through four 2D designs.
- use only letter from century gothic, ariel, times new roman or bookman old style typeface to create the designs ( select any 2 different letters from one of these typefaces, and use for all 4 designs)
- the designs must respect the integrity of the form of the letters.
- use at least 3 colours

due date : 21 Sept'09 (week 10 studio)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

persiapan 2nd design project..

masi bner2 tahap persiapan..
td siang baru bli brg..
alhasil..kantong lgs kempes..
$31an booo..
itu aja ma org na dksi diskon skitar $1an..
mayannn c..makasiii yaa om..hehe :)
cutting mat na yg bkin mahal ga kira2..
trus td bli byk kertas berwarna ungu..
dr tua k muda..trus bli yg metalic jg.. ama yg ad texture na..
pkoq na project yg ne msti lbi bagus dr yg maren..
DO D BEST !!! ^^