Wednesday, September 23, 2009


this morning i woke up in the morning at 6 o'clock
n i see the sky is orange..
i think it's sunrise,,but why it's very orange?
when i went to school,,i saw very bad weather..
it's dust storm!!
the wind was also strong..
when i breathed,,i didn't feel like breathing oxygen..
it's very strange..

today,i also did my presentation..
n the result was good..
the teacher loves it..haha x)

now,i'm doing the other HW..
i must write about analysing a building which was designed by zaha hadid..
i don't really understand how to analyse it..
but,i'm doing my best ^^

thx God for today
Your love never ends for me n u ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my design presentation

i'm totally confused..
guru design na baru sent jadwal presentasi yg baru..
tp dy sala nulis waktu na..
gw dpt urutan ketiga..tertulis na gw presentasi mgg ini..
tp yg urutan kedua blom maju..
soalna mgg maren yg urutan pertama baru maju..
gawatttt klo bsk gw bner2 msti presentasi..
ga taw msti ngapainnnnn

Thursday, September 3, 2009

math exam-non assesible

i got 38/40..
i feel satiesfied and unsatiesfied..
coz i was careless when i did the exam..
but,,thx GOD...
i'll do my best 4 next exams..

Monday, August 17, 2009

Design project 1 - assesible

explore the principles of BALANCE, SCALE, FOCAL POINT, and RHYTHM through four 2D designs.
- use only letter from century gothic, ariel, times new roman or bookman old style typeface to create the designs ( select any 2 different letters from one of these typefaces, and use for all 4 designs)
- the designs must respect the integrity of the form of the letters.
- use at least 3 colours

due date : 21 Sept'09 (week 10 studio)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

persiapan 2nd design project..

masi bner2 tahap persiapan..
td siang baru bli brg..
alhasil..kantong lgs kempes..
$31an booo..
itu aja ma org na dksi diskon skitar $1an..
mayannn c..makasiii yaa om..hehe :)
cutting mat na yg bkin mahal ga kira2..
trus td bli byk kertas berwarna ungu..
dr tua k muda..trus bli yg metalic jg.. ama yg ad texture na..
pkoq na project yg ne msti lbi bagus dr yg maren..
DO D BEST !!! ^^

Monday, July 27, 2009

2nd design project

(still non-assesable project)

Using only simple geometric shapes, produce four 2D designs, each exploring one of the following elements:
Choose one of the following shapes - squares, circles or triangels -and apply to all four designs.
Although each design will explore a different element, you will need to consider the relationship across the four designs.

Australian Studies HW

1. what were some of images or impressions of Australia that you might have had before arriving in this country??
(duhh,,ga perna ngebayangin..pegi2 pke ngebayangin) have recently come from another country and have had no contact with Australians previously. What do you think the text and images tell you about this country? Which do you think are misleading?
(gambar na : byk org maen d pantai...emmm,,org2 d sni suka ma pantai,,suka maen d bwh panas terik matahari,,ga ad misleading na..byasa na org2 emang suka maen d pantai kan??) do you think Australian society today differs from the society into which you were born?
(prasaan sama aj d..ap yg beda yaa???oooo i know,,org indo suka boros air,listrik,trus dmen shopping...klo org aussie,,bner2 hemat aer-ampe cma bole mandi 1 hr 1x,hemat listrik-klo mlem,smua lampu d matiin,ga ad satupun yg nyala,cma kmar gw yg nyala,haha xp,,trus org sini ga tralu dmen bgd k mall,mkana mall na jem 5 dah tutup,,ga keq d indo,ampe jem 9 ato 10)